Life is a series of negotiations you should be prepared for buying a car, negotiating a salary, buying a home, renegotiating rent, deliberating with your partner. Taking emotional intelligence and intuition to the next level, Chris Voss' NSTD gives you the competitive edge in any discussion and The Secret to Winning Any Exchange:
Winning Negotiations: The New Rules in 2019 and beyond
Who knew hostage negotiation actually uses the same principles that apply to all negotiations?! Hostage negotiation started in the 1970s, before Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, before neuroscience, and before emotional intelligence.
We thought we were dealing with an aspect of human behavior that was the exception to everyday life. What we didn’t know is that we were dealing with the essence of everyday life and had the rules for all negotiations. Here are those rules for winning negotiations:
Human beings don’t remember things the way they happened.The 5 New Rules for Winning Negotiations
Who knew hostage negotiation actually uses the same principles that apply to all negotiations?! Hostage negotiation started in the 1970s, before Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow , before neuroscience, and before emotional intelligence. We thought we were dealing with an aspect of human behavior that was the exception to everyday life.
We remember the most intense moment and how it ended.
The last impression is the lasting impression.
At The Black Swan Group, they call this The Oprah Rule.
Christopher Voss is the CEO of The Black Swan Group,
a firm that solves business negotiation problems with hostage negotiation strategies.
'To compromise is the worst thing to do.'